Strategic tree and forest establishment and regeneration on the Southern Tablelands

Urban Trees
and Forests
As the climate warms, built up areas will become hotter than the surrounding areas because unshaded roads and hard surfaces absorb and hold a great deal of heat. Urban tree planting is crucial in providing cooling shade in urban areas, making towns liveable and attractive.
In town: Urban Tree Planting
Considerations for urban tree selection include:
Toxicity and allergenicity. Some tree species can pose a risk to members of the public with have allergies or compromised immune systems.
Limb drop, weak branches. These pose a health risk to people and structures and should be avoided in high traffic and built-up areas. They will also require monitoring and pruning and therefore come at a higher management cost.
Leaf or bark litter, fruit drop. Can be a pedestrian risk and look untidy.
Water use efficiency and drought resistance. Species that require less water will be more independent during dry periods, requiring lower maintenance. However, they also tend to be slower growing.
Aggressive root systems. Can block drains and distort and crack pavements.
Waterlogging capacity. Urban plantings are often surrounded by hard surfaces and in soil that contains building rubble, old refuse, and infrastructure services. Constricted planting spaces and compacted soils can lead to waterlogging.
Canopy shape. Affects the amount of shade cast, the way trees can be utilised in different spaces and street aesthetics.
Deciduous or evergreen. Affects winter light availability and type of shade.
Aesthetic value. Tree choice shapes the appearance of trees and parks, giving a particular visual identity to urban areas.
Location of services.
The Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) is currently developing an Urban Forest Cooling Strategy. This is therefore a perfect time to start collaborating and designing personal and community gardens to create a larger Bungendore urban forest. Trees on private land play a very important role in the beauty and cooling effect of shade on a town.
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council Urban Forest and Cooling Strategy
Greener Spaces Better Places
Which Plant Where