Strategic tree and forest establishment and regeneration on the Southern Tablelands

The Climate Crisis
The Earth’s climate is in turmoil. Global warming is causing melting ice sheets, rising sea levels, more violent storms, irregular and extreme rainfall, hotter days, warmer nights, longer droughts, more extreme fire danger days, longer fire seasons and uncontrollable megafires. Two hundred years of burning fossil fuels for energy has released heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and warmed the planet. Land clearing for agriculture and urban development have exacerbated the problem by removing the plants that draw down carbon dioxide (CO2 ), a major greenhouse gas.

Globally, the last decade been the warmest on record, and of those the last seven years have been the hottest ever recorded. Global temperatures have not been this warm in two million years. To put that in context, humans didn’t exist then – we are already living in a novel environment
The next 8-10 years are absolutely critical in reducing emissions and preserving the climate we all depend on. Abandoning the use of fossil fuels is the most important step in stopping global temperature increases. But since CO2 lasts for up to a hundred years in the atmosphere, we also need to draw down the CO2 in the atmosphere from the historical use of fossil fuel.
Planting trees is one of the simplest solutions to drawing down CO2
Planting trees is going to play an important role in reducing current atmospheric CO2 levels and reversing climate change. You can share in this at a small or large scale. Growing and planting trees for the future is a transformative, life changing action.
You can start to grow an old tree now.
The benefits of trees
Trees store carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen
Trees pump water into the atmosphere
Trees provide cooling shade and shelter
Trees provide valuable resources including timber, food, fodder and seeds
Trees are habitat for insects, birds and animals
Trees are beautiful
This website will show you how and where to establish tree plantings, and which trees will be best suited to the region and landscape situation.​

Unfortunately, emissions are increasing, not decreasing. We need to act to preserve the privileges we have now for the generations to come. They deserve to have good food and water, economic security and safety, health and nature to enjoy. Planting trees can do this and is one of the best answers we have right now. There are many ways to limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce your carbon footprint:
transition to renewable power for household electricity
drive a hybrid or electric vehicle, or use public transport
insulate your house
add solar panels to your house to charge to the grid or a battery
support local sustainable food production
reduce waste to limit methane emissions
invest in renewable projects

Some quick climate resources:
IUCN Climate Action Fast Facts
Global Climate Report - Annual 2022
Extreme weather: Why the impact will be felt more widely