Strategic tree and forest establishment and regeneration on the Southern Tablelands

About Bungendore Landcare

Bungendore Landcare was founded in 1989 as the Lake George Catchment Committee, and was incorporated in 1991. The group recognised some land degradation issues such as salinity and tree decline demanded district action as solutions were not possible within farm boundaries.
Since then the group has had many successful projects including treeplanting at the Rodeoground, Showground, Bungendore Public School, Turallo Creek Reserve and the Sewage Treatment Works. The group also protected the Brooks Hill Reserve and worked on large scale serrated tussock control, Rivercare, as well as producing the Bungendore Windbreak Plan and booklet.
One of Bungendore Landcares major contributions was the creation of the Bungendore Community Garden. Now managed fantastically by Rotary, the garden was created in 2009 and is one of Bungendores valued community assets. The garden features fruit trees, raised garden beds, berries and a hop trellis as well as garden sheds and seating. It's a beautiful spot for gardening and community activities.

Over the last 30 years the group has run many projects along the Turallo Creek. The group has designed and implemented tree planting on the central common (at left) as well as in John Walter Park to the west of town. Members of the group have also worked tirelessly to protect and regenerate Turallo Creek upstream of the town, as well as Millpost Creek and Moura Creek.
Out of town the group did treeplanting to halt erosion at the Bungendore Rodeoground (below) as well as planted windbreaks at the Bungendore Showground.
Below left is Brooks Hill Reserve, a travelling stock reserve the group protected to the south of town.

PO Box 12 Bungendore NSW 2621 Australia
02 6238 1234